

IN2 Helm Repository for Generic Enablers.

Repository for providing HELM Charts of Generic Enablers from the IN2 components. The charts can be installed into Kubernetes with helm3.

IN2 works on different open source components which can be assembled together and with other third-party platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions.

For additional Helm Charts collections for supplementary open-source components such as Grafana, Apache Spark, Keycloak and Kong we recommend other community-maintained listings such as Bitnami or Orchestra Cities or searching for a specific helm chart on Artifact Hub.

More information on each individual IN2 component, can be found within the individual chart README.

Add Repo

To make use of the charts, you may add the repository:

helm repo add in2workspace https://in2workspace.github.io/helm-charts


After the repo is added all charts can be installed via:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> in2workspace/<CHART_NAME>


Platform deployment


Apache 2.0. © 2024 IN2 Ingeniería de la Información, S.L.